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MiracleFeet Clinics

About our work

In Indonesia, determined efforts are underway to enhance access to clubfoot treatment and ensure that all children born with clubfoot continue to receive superior care. Led and supervised by local experts, the process prioritizes comprehensive treatment and diligent follow-up, while strictly adhering to Indonesian clubfoot treatment policies and practices from the initial stages throughout the entire treatment journey. This unwavering commitment ensures that every child receives the highest quality of care.


MiracleFeet has three current partners in Indonesia: doctorShare, Yakkum, and Majelis Pembinaan Kesehatan Umum Muhammadiyah (Health Division of Muhammadiyah Central Board), referred to as MPKU.

doctorSHARE is a registered non-profit organization focused on delivering medical services and humanitarian aid. Established in 2009, doctorSHARE helps communities through free healthcare services including consultations, outpatient treatments, and surgeries for those living in peripheral areas of Indonesia. For the past decade, doctorSHARE has served communities in remote areas, providing healthcare accessibility through innovative and sustainable programs. Through its partnership with MiracleFeet, one of doctorSHARE’s key objectives is to provide high-quality clubfoot treatment to children in Indonesia by developing and strengthening collaborations with local governments, healthcare providers, military hospitals, and community organizations.  

Established in 1982, YAKKUM has provided services for persons with disabilities for nearly 40 years. Their mission is to support people with disabilities to fulfill their rights by building an inclusive society through high-quality, affordable, and integrated services. They have implemented programs in partnership with a variety of governmental and local stakeholders. YAKKUM’s work initially focused on providing support to children and adolescents through clinical services, education, and provision of assistive devices, but more recently, their programs expanded to include occupational therapy, psychosocial, and livelihood programs to increase the economic empowerment of people with disabilities.

MPKU is a faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to providing essential public health services across the nation and is staffed by a team of highly skilled health professionals and specialists. Under the guidance of its advisory board, MPKU has significantly expanded its healthcare services throughout Indonesia and collaborates with over 100 hospitals. MPKU is dedicated to the well-being of all children, belongs to an extensive network of healthcare centers that spans urban and rural areas, and has a well-established relationship with key policymakers and government agencies which have potential to significantly bolster MiracleFeet’s clubfoot integration efforts in Indonesia.