MiracleFeet’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

July 10, 2020

Racism in all forms is an intolerable and pervasive threat to health, well-being, and opportunities for many in the US and around the world.

MiracleFeet exists to change vulnerable lives and to address inequities in healthcare internationally, but we recognize that our mission does not exempt us from taking additional action in the pursuit of equity. Well-meaning global health organizations often perpetuate racial inequity through colonial or patronizing attitudes. How we work is as important as what we accomplish—and we recognize that we can and must do more to live up to MiracleFeet’s core values of collaboration, integrity, ambition, and justice.

Dismantling systemic racism requires intentional and sustained action. We commit to closely examining our entire organization to identify where we can make changes to eliminate bias, chip away at policies and practices that disadvantage people of color, and build an organizational culture that actively promotes racial equity. Although we are inspired to take immediate action, we acknowledge the need to approach this multi-dimensional problem with the same intention and discipline as we approach our core work in order to make meaningful progress.

To start, we commit to educating ourselves through training, professional development, and shared resources to enhance our ability to listen, learn, and make space for difficult, honest, and open conversation about race. Knowledge will help equip us to become better agents for change as we strive to tackle biases and inequities in our workplace, communities, and homes.

Next, we will create an Equity Leadership Team with representation from across the organization, that will lead a comprehensive review of our practices and policies including, but not limited to: vendor selection; investment of assets; hiring, promoting, and other HR policies; local partner relationships, and the diversity of our Medical Advisory Board and Board of Directors. All MiracleFeet employees will be called on by the Equity Leadership Team to contribute to this effort.

Finally, based on this internal review, we will commit to making specific changes to how we work at our US headquarters and around the world. We will set targets and measure our progress against them to ensure that we continue to take meaningful action to support racial justice.

These critical measures will start immediately, and we will continue to report on our actions, progress, and shortcomings in the weeks and months ahead.