Overcoming Doubts in Ecuador: Ariana’s Clubfoot Story
When Ariana was born in Ecuador, doctors immediately noticed that one of her feet was turned inward. They told Ariana’s mother, Maribel, that her little girl had unilateral clubfoot.
Maribel felt scared and uncertain about her daughter’s future, but when the doctors referred Ariana to the Cuenca Hospital clubfoot clinic, Maribel knew she wanted her baby to receive treatment. At only three days old, Ariana enrolled in treatment at Cuenca Hospital.
For the many people in Ecuador who live in remote, rural villages, accessing medical care such as clubfoot treatment is difficult. Maribel and Ariana were no exception, waking in the middle of the night to leave their village at 4 am so that they could make it to the clinic on time for their 8:30 am appointment. At first, Maribel wasn’t sure the treatment would work, but after a few casts, she began to notice the change in Ariana’s foot.
Today Ariana is nearly two years old and in the bracing phase of treatment. Everyone in her family is pleased with the results of treatment, which will allow Ariana to have an active childhood, unencumbered by clubfoot disability.
Learn more about MiracleFeet’s work in Ecuador with partner Fundación Hermano Miguel here.
Read patient stories from Ecuador here.