Maria Cristina Mosende

Program Manager, East Asia and Pacific (Philippines)

Maria Cristina Mosende is a Registered Social Worker and a public health specialist. Currently based in her home city of Manila, Philippines, Maria Cristina has worked throughout Asia and the Pacific in various capacities, providing management and technical support to governments, civil society, and non-government organizations. She gathers more than fifteen years of international experience in program design and management, community development, civil society and stakeholder engagement, and monitoring and evaluation of public health and Global Fund projects. Her previous consultancy affiliations include the Technical Support Facility for Asia Pacific (TSF-AP), International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Axios International, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). She is a mother of two daughters (Jasmin and Victoria) and two sons (Paul and Christian).